Coffee and the King of England

by lawrenceaph

In 17th century Britain, coffee--the beloved beverage of many--became a point of royal contention. While we lovingly cradle our morning brew today, King Charles II saw it as a threat to his monarchy.

Coffee and the King of England

A Burst of Coffee Popularity in 17th Century England

Coffee houses, known as "Penny Universities", emerged as centers of social activity, intellect, and, most importantly, political discussion. For the price of a penny, one could get a coffee and engage in hours of conversation, debate, and networking.

Why King Charles II Feared the Brew

King Charles II, reigning from 1660 to 1685, was a monarch amidst the Restoration era. The nation had just recovered from a brutal civil war, political conspiracies were rife, and the monarchy was striving to retain power.

In this environment, coffee houses were not merely places to get a caffeine fix. They had evolved into hotbeds of intellectual and political discussion. It's said that revolutionary ideas brewed in these establishments as much as the dark drink itself. Men gathered, discussed politics, shared news, and criticized the government, making these hubs a nightmare for the monarch.

The Ban that Brewed Trouble

In 1675, King Charles II issued a proclamation condemning coffee houses. The edict explicitly called for their closure, citing them as places "where the disaffected met, and spread scandalous reports concerning the conduct of His Majesty and his Ministers". The king believed that these establishments were undermining his rule and facilitating the spread of sedition.

However, the ban met with immediate backlash. Not only did the public protest, but there was also significant opposition from merchants and traders. The coffee house was an essential place for networking, sharing news, and conducting business.

Realizing the ban's unpopularity and the logistical nightmare of enforcing it, King Charles II had to revoke the edict within weeks. Coffee houses were there to stay.

Spaces for Ideas Live On Today

The British king's attempt to ban coffee houses is a lesson on the enduring power-and need for-community spaces - physical or virtual. Whether it is with a cup of coffee in hand or a keyboard at our fingertips, the desire to discuss, engage, connect, and express ourselves in a community remains as potent as ever.